I like to listen to music when I write because the quiet is just creepy... *shivers*
Anyway... here's my problem:
I used to listen to classical when I wrote my first attempt at a book but I listened to it so much for that book it reminds me of that story. Yeah, I know it doesn't make much sense but either way I need something else to listen to. It can't have words because then I can't concentrate on what I'm writing. And I already tried Dubstep... that ended terribly. So if you have any recommendations for good instrumental music leave it in the comments.
Okay so since at the moment I'm the only follower it looks like I better give you some advice. I was honestly going to suggest like folk music, but then was like no way! You could find solos of an instrument you particularly like the sound of I guess (piano, trumpet, clarinet, sax). But I'm really not quite sure so good luck with that!